
Steamboat Willie

Posted: 08 Oct 2024
Released: 1928
Rating: ★★★★

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  • Walt Disney as Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Peg-Leg Pete, Parrot


Music Dept

Sound Dept

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Image: Title screen which reads "Disney cartoons presents a Micky Mouse sound cartoon - steamboat Willie"


Like all other works released in 1928, Steamboat Willie entered into the public domain this year (2024).

Unlike other works, Steamboat Willie was the first publicly released animation featuring Mickey and Minnie Mouse. It was also the first animation to have synchronised sound. Disney voiced the characters, which consists of grunts, koos and laughter.

1928 was a special year for film, as this was the beginning of synchronised sound. We will watch some of those films too, one day, but today is all about Mickey.

Enough talk of this nonsense. On with the review!

The Mean Captain

Mickey is piloting a steamboat when captain Pete rudely pulls Mickey away from the wheel. Mickey is ordered down to mop the deck, while the captain chews on some tobacco and spits it into the wind.

Image: Captain Pete reprimands a sullen Micky
We can see a rebellious streak in Mickey.


A perched parrot taunts Mickey when he falls into a bucket of water. "Hope you don't feel hurt big boy. ha ha ha ha." chimes the parrot. Mickey dumps the bucket of water over the parrot. "Help! Help! Man overboard!" it screams.

Image: The parrot on his perch stares at Micky, who is sitting in a bucket
"Ha ha ha ha"

Loading Cargo

The steamboat docks at Podunk to load up some livestock. Mickey has some difficulty harnessing the scrawny bull. He feeds it a pile of hay and hauls it onboard.

Image: Micky stands on the dock while harnessing the cow
"Hoist 'em away!"

Minnie runs to catch the departing boat, carrying a ukelele and sheet music. Mickey uses the hand-operated crane to hook her bloomers and hoist her onboard. She drops the ukelele and sheet music before she lands on deck.

Image: Minnie mouse runs on the shoreline, alongside the boat
"Hey! You forgot about me!"

Musical Interlude

The hungry goat eats the sheet music and ukelele, Minnie extends it's tail and cranks it like a phonograph, music plays from the goat's open mouth.

Mickey plays percussion on bins, pans and barrels using his hands and tail. A washboard becomes a makeshift harp.

Image: Micky plays on the cow's teeth as if a xylophone

This is where things get WEIRD.

Like a true multi-instrumentalist, Mickey moves from percussion to livestock without missing a beat. He plays the cat by the tail, swinging it above his head like a bullroarer.

Next he picks up the goose and stretches its neck like a trombone. And how can one have a merry tune without pulling the tails of nursing piglets, making them squeek to your tune.

Image: Micky plays the duck like a trombone
"Don't try this at home kids."

The Punishment

It doesn't take long before the captain steps in and orders Mickey to stop his tomfoolery, and sets him to work peeling potatoes. The parrot reappears in the porthole to taunt Mickey again, only to get lobbed into the sea by a well-aimed potato. "Man overboard!" it shouts.

Bad Act

All works released in 1928 were meant to enter public domain twenty years sooner, on 2004, but Disney and others lobbied to extend the copyright period for all works created prior to 1978, known as the "Mickey Mouse Protection Act". Fortunately for us, we can now enjoy this animation. Sadly this act continues to cast a dark shadow over all other works released after 1928.


Image: Micky Mouse sound cartoon poster

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image: watch the film

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