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Here are some official CRANKY 88x31 buttons. Class up any site with these!

TC Film Reel

88x31 film reel button
<a href="https://talkiecrank.neocities.org" title="nonsense classic film reviews">
 <img src="https://talkiecrank.neocities.org/buttons/talkie_crank_dark.gif" />

TC Screening of Words

88x31 cycling words button
<a href="https://talkiecrank.neocities.org" title="nonsense classic film reviews">
 <img src="https://talkiecrank.neocities.org/buttons/talkie_crank_dark_words.gif" />

The Thing

88x31 button for The Thing
<a href="https://talkiecrank.neocities.org" title="nonsense classic film reviews">
 <img src="https://talkiecrank.neocities.org/buttons/talkie_crank_the_thing.gif" />